We’re All Offenders Who Haven’t Been Caught

That’s the question posed to the audience of mostly college students by Galen Baughman, a Soros Justice Fellow and the final speaker at the City University of New York TEDx talks at the Borough of Manhattan Community College last week.

TEDx talks are known for introducing new speakers with new ideas on everything from tech, to teaching, to society — but Baughman was the first TEDx presenter to address the issue of sex offenders from an unusual viewpoint: He is one. And he must register as a sex offender forever. Full Article

Lenore Skenazy is host of the reality show “World’s Worst Mom” on the Discovery Life Channel. She is also a public speaker who authored the book, and founded the blog, Free-Range Kids (freerangekids.com).

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“The label ‘sex offender’ is a made-up category”

So true. It’s just one small piece in one of the many “manufactured” perils that face society today. What Galen Baughman calls a “made up category” would be more accurately described as a lie. The “sex offender is but one small piece of the movement to slowly remove the peoples rights with “fear” being the justification.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Ben Franklin: (Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor, Tue, Nov 11, 1755)

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations,
the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” Dresden James.

“For those who stubbornly seek freedom, there can be no more urgent task than to
come to understand the mechanisms and practices of indoctrination. These are easy
to perceive in the totalitarian societies, much less so in the system of ‘brainwashing
under freedom’ to which we are subjected and in which all too often we serve as
unwilling instruments.” – Noam Chomsky

“In America, the criminally insane rule and the rest of us, or the vast majority of the rest of us, either do not care, do not know, or are distracted and properly brainwashed into acquiescence.” – Kurt Nimmo

“They must find it difficult…those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority.” – Gerald Massey

Excellent article. Very good points. Though the made-up label the “justice system” tried to apply to Galen was not specified, I assume it was either, “ephebophile” or “androphile”. Years ago, a clinical psychologist who ran a S.O. treatment program stated that these terms were being added to the forthcoming DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (of Mental Illnesses). Guess what? Neither term appears in the new DSM. (Of course, this leads to further query: Do our medical and mental health communities create new “illnesses” requiring new labels, new medications and new treatments …. and new insurance billing codes? I think we know the answer.)

Q writes “What Galen Baughman calls a “made up category” would be more accurately described as a lie. The “sex offender is but one small piece of the movement to slowly remove the peoples rights with “fear” being the justification.”

And may I add that no animal is as dangerous as a scared human.

I wonder when the video of this talk will be available, I would really like to see the audience reaction to what he says. If anyone can find it please share.